Our Common Goal: Promoting healthy and sustainable urban and community forests which contribute to clean air and water, economic stability, and beautiful green places in which all Mississippians and future generations will live, work and play.

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64th Annual Urban Forestry Conference: Managing Trees After a Massive Drought

May 22, 2024 – 9AM- 5PM Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum Ethnics Building

Scenic Communities of Mississippi

Would you like for your community to be more scenic. Need help with grants and other resources? Check out Scenic Communities here

Training & Certification

Learn about a variety of topics related to "greening" your town...

Community Revitalization with Trees

Through this program we will provide you with training for your local team, development tools and resources to lead you through planning a comprehensive "Green Plan."

Green Communities Newsletter & Resources

MUFC publishes a bimonthly newsletter that provides information on resources, technical assistance and valuable training information on community and urban forests and trees. To obtain this free newsletter send your email to dyowell@aol.com and request the newsletter.
Managing Trees After a Massive Drought: 64th Annual Urban Forestry Conference
Scenic Communities of Mississippi
Community Revitalization with Trees
Certified Urban Forests & Arboretums
Edible Forests of Mississippi
Storm Preparedness and Mitigation
Urban Forest Training & Certification
Jackson County Shade Tree Program
Mississippi Gulf Coast Programs
Ribbons of Green
Mississippi Arboretum and Tree Registry